center allign the text

Given an input string S, centre justify the string. There will be neither preceding characters before the string S nor suffix characters after the string S. The output should be centre-justified in a line of width 64 characters, followed by a newline. 
1. If S has an odd number of characters then the number of preceding 'space' should be one more than the number of trailing 'space'
2. If S has an even number of characters then the number of preceding 'space' should be equal to the number of trailing 'space'

int main()
          int ch,i;
          char s[64];
          char p[66];
          char *ptr1;
          for(i=0;i<64;i++)             /* initialize the array with white space */
          p[i]='\n';   /* store _ just before null character */
          p[i+1]='\0';/* for ease of use strings initilize null character at the  end */
          ch=getchar();           /* read the string till getting 'enter' from user */
          s[i]='\0';                   /* assign null character at the end of input */
          int len=strlen(s);              /* find the length of input string */
          char *j;
          int k;
          if(len%2==0)                     /*if lenght is even numbered */
                  ptr1=(char *)(p+(32*sizeof(char))-(len/2));

                /* copy input at the appropriate position in p */
          else                                   /* if length is odd number*/

                  ptr1=(char *)(p+(32*sizeof(char))-((len-1)/2));

             /* copy input at the appropriate position in p */


           printf("%s",p); /* print the string */

           return 0;

Sample input and output:
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